
Top 10 Best Static Site Generators For Bloggers In 2022

This post will explain Static site generators. Static websites are taking over from sites as the favoured web platform for delivering material on the Internet. Blog writers and owners of content-focused websites are now looking forward to a new dawn of site advancement that promises reduction of expenses and enhancement in speed, security, and efficiency.

Static site generators work by transforming basic, plain text into static sites or blog sites. There are no databases to slow demands down, and the site is much easier to preserve, has enhanced security alternatives and yet incur lower facilities costs.

Top 10 Best Static Site Generators For Bloggers In 2022

In this article, you can know about Static site generators here are the details below;

Static sites also demands low bandwidth usage, with has the possibility of version control systems. If you are interested in acquiring your own static site, here are 11 static site generators to check out.

1. Jekyll 

Jekyll is the most favored static site generator that backs the GitHub Pages. The reason for Jekyll’s appeal is that it’s easy to use and requires simply standard web advancement understanding. Thanks to its numerous functions like design templates, designs, and configuration, you can quickly convert text into customized blog posts.


It also allows the import of material from blogs on other platforms, and you can produce your plugins, tags and converters for any mark up language.  in Addition, you can also do away with your paid hosting as you can host a Jekyll blog on GitHub free of charge.

2. Octopress

Octopress is basically a blogging framework for Jekyll that make things simpler for a Jekyll blogger or content author. A huge benefit of using Octopress is that it’s compatible with a large number of plugins, main plugins for Jekyll and Octopress, and plugins from 3rd party designers. Also check hubspot alternatives


It supports building & publishing blogs to GitHub or Rsync in fast and easy way. This structure features built-in assistance for Twitter, Google Plus, Disqus remarks, Pinboard, and Google Analytics.

3. Hexo

Hexo is an easy yet effective blog framework powered by Node.js. This static site generator is blazing quick and takes just seconds to construct a complete website. Hexo supports all GitHub-flavored Markdown features and the majority of the Octopress plugins. One of the key benefits of Hexo is that it lets you transfer your blog site or site to your webhosting with a single command.


Site migration from other blogging platforms is likewise a breeze with this tool, thanks to the various migration alternatives available.

4. Hugo

Hugo is a quick, flexible, easy to use static site generator. Hugo is ideal to produce blogs, documents, and portfolios. This application does not depend upon administrative opportunities, databases, interpreters, or external libraries, and still works like a beauty. Websites or blog sites built with Hugo can be hosted on any webhosting including GitHub Pages, S3, and Dropbox.


Hugo is constructed to deliver ideal efficiency and speed like Hexo, and as a result, it constructs most sites almost instantly.

5. Pelican

Pelican is a static site generator established utilizing Python. This software supports reStructuredText, Markdown & AsciiDoc formats for composing content. Blogs and sites developed with Pelican can be hosted anywhere like Hugo. This generator permits development of blog sites in several languages and likewise generates RSS and Atom feeds.


6. Middleman

Middleman is a static site generator that operates all the faster ways and tools readily available for modern-day web development. This software is built on Ruby, provides substantial paperwork on use and personalization, and lets you tailor your site with ease. Like Hexo, you can develop and release your blog site or site to any webhosting with a single command. Also check Benefits of Blogger Outreach.


Finding support is also comfortable with Middleman as this tool has an active open-source community of people all set to help you.

7. Metalsmith

Metalsmith is a simple, effective, pluggable static site generator. What sets Metalsmith separated is that every task is handled by plugins and the very best part is that all plugins are recyclable. Just choose what you want on your site, identify the appropriate plugins, and chain them together, and your site is ready to release.


Files can be written and controlled easily with the respective plugins. Metalsmith can likewise generate PDFs, e-books, documents, and more.

8. DocPad

Equipped with pre built website skeletons, DocPad lets you produce a completely functional website in secs. This tool also supports CoffeeScript, Ruby, PHP, Stylus, and much more. With DocPad, blog sites or websites can be moved to any webhosting with ease.


DocPad likewise supports numerous plugins that make modification extremely simple. The extensive documentation and its practical support community make this an user-friendly tool. Also check best tumblr alternatives 2020

9. Wintersmith


Wintersmith is a versatile, minimalistic static site generator powered by Node.js. With Wintersmith, you can tailor your site using basic plugins. Wintersmith’s projects are simply directory structures, which indicates you can take content from your old sites or from another generators & use them with this tool.


Easy deployment and rapid performance makes Wintersmith a favored choice. It supports Jade plugin and other community built plugins for Node.js’s template engines.

10. Cactus

Cactus is an effective static site generator built on Python and Django design template system. Cactus lets you establish websites locally and host them easily on Amazon S3 etc



It provides newbie Django templates such as portfolios, blog sites, and single pages, as well as more design templates for advanced usages. Cactus is perfect to build business sites, portfolios, support sites, and blogs.

HubPress is a complimentary open-source web application that allows you to build AsciiDoc blogs on GitHub Pages. Developing a blog site with HubPress is simple– all you need to do is fork or develop a copy of the repository in your GitHub account and upgrade the consisted of config file as per your necessities.


Whether you want to build a site with single or multiple page(s), a static site is the alternative to choose if you want to keep things easy, and save expenses and other resources. Ofcourse, there are a number of downsides utilizing static websites, however if you think “content is king”, then less is certainly more.

Get started with one of these static site generators and you will find that developing a static website is simpler and more manageable than a CMS like WordPress.

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