
Top 20 Useful Tools For Android Programming

This post will explain Tools for android programming. This short article constitutes some of the best and most helpful Android programming tools readily available today. From debugging to quality improvement tools, you’ll get a great deal of resources that can assist you conserve time and add to your productivity. Keep reading to know more about each of these tools.

Top 20 Useful Tools For Android Programming

In this article, you can know about Tools for android programming here are the details below;

Programming can be fun when finished with the right tools– advancement tools that let you compose and … Find out more

 1. Stetho


Stetho is an effective open-source debugging platform for Android applications developed by Facebook. The tool makes it truly easy to debug native Android applications and assists you perform numerous actions,For example viewing the full View hierarchy, examining the SQLite database, tracking network activity, and more. Also check Password tools


– Allows you to use the Google Chrome debugging tool for different actions.

– Supplies hierarchy assessment throughout debugging.

– Helps you to handle your network, databases, and other interacting functions.

– Utilizes an HTTP web socket to send out data.

 2. LeakCanary


It is a powerful memory tool developed by Square. As soon as installed, it will immediately start, sending you notices of every memory leak in your application with full-stack tracking.


– Totally automated memory leakage looking for Android Activity parts.

– Can configure specifications like the number of dump files and leakage trackers, customized exemptions, and custom processing of analysis results, and so on – Easy to incorporate into your task.

– User-friendly interface and alert display.

 3. Takt

A small library that can be utilized to inspect the FPS of an application while debugging it. It is always much better to capture bugs and significant hold-ups throughout the advancement phase than to let your users have a experience with an application already in production.


– Easily determine FPS for apps

– Rapidly execute in existing code

– Easy-to-use.

 4. NimbleDroid.


NimbleDroid is another tool to check your app for memory leaks and vital concerns before releasing it to the Play Market. It works pretty well and immediately checks various user situations in your application, discovering potential crashes and important concerns that require immediate attention.


– Analyze the efficiency of your application.

– Get sluggish and crash cautions.

– Auto-open user streams.

– Track approach count.

 5. ClassyShark.

Using ClassyShark, you can search any Android APK file and find the needed information in it, such as classes, resources, manifest, dependences, number of dex approaches, and more. The tool will give you a concept of what other applications are doing and how.


– You can open and decompile dex, apk, jar, arr. files.

– It is easy to view the file information.

– Provides assistance for organized code search.

 6. Android Device Display.

Android Gadget Monitor allows you to monitor your physical or virtual device while it is running, offering you details about how many procedures are running per thread, network statistics, and LogCat, and so on. All these functions make it a pretty helpful tool for evaluating the efficiency of your application.

 7. B4A.

B4A (Basic for Android) is an Android advancement tool from Anywhere Software, based on the Quick Application Development (RAD) idea. B4A is an IDE and interpreter that permits developers to produce applications using the BASIC programming language.


– Multifunctionality.

– IntelliSense editor.

– A range of libraries.

– GUI designer.

– Easy to use language.

 8. Booster.

Booster is a beneficial tool with a substantial set of quality enhancement tools developed particularly for mobile applications. This tool concentrates on quality problems related to increasing application complexity, such as performance, stability, and package size concerns.


– System bug repairs.

– Easier to discover performance problems.

– Plan size-reduction.

– Performance optimization.

 9. InstaBug.

Tools for android programming

Instabug allows the app users to share SS(screenshot), video and audio recordings, and comprehensive logs, etc. of any bugs or concerns that they find while using the app. It helps the designers to discover mistakes that they might have ignored and get strong insights from the users’ viewpoint. Also check Survey software


– You can produce test reports and feedback.

– Bug and mistake detection is excellent and developer-friendly.

– Easy to integrate.

– Sends timely signals.

– Crash solutions.

 10. Android Tool for Mac.

If you are an Android designer using a Mac this tool can help you get error reports as well as SS(screenshots) and videos of the apps you are debugging.


– Set up APKs without the Play Shop.

– ecord video with outputs both in MP4 or animated GIF.

– Take screenshots of one or all of the devices linked to your Mac.

– Include your celebration scripts to the scripts folder and run them on the exact same gadget.

 11. DryRun.

An ingenious tool that permits you to test any Android library on the web in simply a couple of seconds making it extremely simple to attempt various libraries.


– After evaluating the library, there is no need to tidy up.

– You can likewise check private repositories.

– There is no requirement to wait for Android Studio to load.

 12. Spotbugs.


When developing big applications, it is quite inevitable to have bugs in the app. Nevertheless, you can prevent it by utilizing this small plugin to help you find typical Java bugs.


– Enables you to examine code without executing.

– Assists in getting rid of common bugs depending on code, conserving you much time.

– Enhances the quality of your code.

 13. APK DeGuard.

APK DeGuard

It is among the best and probably the most helpful tools for transforming code into something more easy to understand for analysis for Android applications. It uses machine learning to evaluate numerous applications and always gives the best possible result. Also check Sentiment analysis tools


– Permits you to recover crucial details in Android APKs, consisting of technique and class names, along with third-party libraries.

– Can spot string decoders and classes that manage delicate information in Android malware.

 14. Codota.

Tools for android programming

We typically face barriers while establishing something brand-new, so we have a look at some quick code examples on Stack Overflow or GitHub. Codota allows you to do this without leaving your IDE, saving you much time.


– Evaluates bits of code on websites and helps you check out, comprehend, and conserve your code.

– Reveals API files for code and XML aspects.

– Alerts about deprecated APIs.

– Offers you terrific code examples right in the IDE.

 15. JRebel for Android.

This remarkable tool from JRebel helps accelerate the develop and development of Android applications and allows for near real-time debugging.


– There is no redeployment of the application, which saves time.

– JRebel can pack resources straight from the work area, which removes the requirement to construct a total application archive (CONTAINER/ WAR/ EAR).

– No new classloaders are produced, so there is less danger of memory leakages during updates.

 16. Android Possession Studio.

Tools for android programming

It is a set of user friendly tools for creating different types of icons (launcher, notices, basic, and application shortcuts). You need these icons when developing Android applications.


– Android Studio provides you the capability to show a demonstration of your XML style.

– Due to a great deal of hotkeys, coding is speeding up, and the time it takes to construct an Android app is lowered.

– Each brand-new upgrade brings you the best functions and approaches that can minimize your coding time.

 17. Android Debug Database.

This tool entirely changes the way you debug databases and basic settings in an Android application. Now you can view all data, modify or erase it and run SQL questions in the gorgeous user interface.


– Running any SQL query against the offered database to upgrade and delete your information.

– Direct modifying of database values.

– Data sorting.

– Debug Space InMemory database.

 18. Drawable Optimizer.

An Android app uses many additional images, which tend to have a substantial influence on the size of the APK. Therefore, you will require this excellent graphics plugin to help you optimize your images and decrease the final APK size.


– Offers 2 different methods to compress image files.

– Convenient and very easy to use for optimizing image files.

– Allows you to configure a number of parameters such as compression level, compression versions number, compressor to utilize (zopfli or pngtastic), and so on


This plugin for Android Studio will assist you speed up your everyday Android advancement significantly. You can easily release, restart, clear data, and uninstall your applications right from the IDE, conserving a lot of time.


– Convenient for inspecting the functionality of an application in various states.

– Permits you to clear the data & see the result quickly.

 20. Shake.

Tools for android programming

Shake is one of the great tools for detecting mistakes, analyzing user actions to replicate an error, and gathering screenshots or videos of the bugs or errors. It is a efficient tool to deal with errors in an application’s beta testing.


– Bug tracking.

– Notifies/ escalation.

– Concern management.

– Access manages/ authorizations.

– Bug/ concern capture.

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